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I am Jordan Rhea

and I build software for
Microsoft Office 365

As a dedicated data software consultant specializing in educational institutions, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and a profound understanding of the needs of schools and educators. PSISJS is a support service with customization options for PowerSchool SIS.

My role involves crafting innovative solutions that harness the power of data to optimize school operations. That is why I created School Data Solutions, a data software consulting company that specializes in educational institutions.

My ability to bridge the gap between technology and education ensures seamless integration of data software, empowering schools to make informed choices for improved student outcomes. Your commitment to transforming educational landscapes establishes you as a key player in shaping the future of learning.

Extending the capabilities of Office 365 and Google Workspaces so that your team makes the most of your systems. Background in education with a future in development.

  • His educational background allows him to relate to the day-to-day needs of a school to come up with solutions that actually work and improve the operations of the school.

    Sandra Chow
    Director of Digital Learning
  • Jordan was indispensable for helping us collect and use data to tell our story as a school. Generating the WASC report required a lot of collaboration, and it was brought together with the help of Jordan's data prowess.

    Jeffrey Heitmann
    WASC Coordinator
  • Solving small problems to reap big benefits

    Jordan Rhea
    Self-employed developer
  • Sending daily log information students, advisors, and leaders without creating a repetitive task that must be maintained.

    Jordan Rhea
    Self-employed developer
  • Using the power of Sharepoint to connect to the PowerSchool ecosystem reaps great benefits for systems trying to integrate.

    Jordan Rhea
    Self-employed developer
  • PowerSchool plugins, schools can improve their productivity, enhance the user experience, and better meet the needs of their students and staff.

  • PowerSchool plugins, schools can improve their productivity, enhance the user experience, and better meet the needs of their students and staff.
